Don Marsh V, Narrators by notes 🎼 Discover “Marshland”

Who doesn’t like it cosy when winter approaches. And some storytelling through jazzy vibes from a brand-new Belgian album to go with it. Thank you Don Marsh to treat us to your debut called Marshland!🎼

Congratz first of all! Must be exciting to release your firstborn in front of a live audience 🙌By now there have been quite a few occasions to play. Tell us how that went.

Yes very excited indeed! We played some small try-out concerts before, but it’s the first time for me leading the band for a bigger audience.

We played a few outdoor festivals & some clubs, which made me realize again how different the music comes across in those settings. Because of the broad stylistic palette there is not one ideal concert experience, but I look forward to playing in medium-size halls with some more natural reverberation which will be great for the chamber-like music we play.

Anyway, it’s a real blessing to play my own music with these great musicians. It’s something that I have been looking forward to for a long time.

We’re also curious what the rhythm section has to say. How are they involved in the creation process for instance?

Our bass player Janos Bruneel has written some compositions for the group, so that’s an obvious contribution. On rehearsals he often pinpoints weak spots in my compositions and he helps to think about arrangements. His clear lines bring a direction to the music that is really helpful for keeping the whole thing together. This direction is important as the music often shifts between composition and improvisation, and it can be hard to keep track of the bigger structure that I want to convey.

Picture by Jonas Commere

Our drummer Matthias is more pragmatic. He will try to understand what I want the music to say and make his contributions along the way. Matthias has a very broad taste and that’s something you can hear in his playing. He can be a supportive player, adding colors, but there are enough moments where he takes the front stage as an improviser too.

Can you tell us about the first bricks of this record? Which track came first and triggered all the others?

Not all compositions are linked to each other. Some pieces were written years ago (Very Late & ILVM I-II), when we first started playing with the band as a quartet. Somewhat later – when I was very much into the music of Mingus- I wrote some swinging pieces (Rhytmicus & Bermuda). This was when I really heard an extra horn in my head, so I got the idea to add at trumpet to the group, which offered more arranging possibilities. The idea for the sonata came later. I already wrote the track “Dawn” without having the intention of making it part of a multi-movement work. It was clearly a different side of my musical identity, one that I wanted to explore more.

The mentioning of the name Beethoven in the bio kind of stayed with us…What exactly inspires you within this classic grandmaster?

During the covid- lockdown, I got a little bit discouraged playing jazz and improvising. For me, the most important aspect of this music is the rhythmic interaction with other musicians, and with that absent I just wanted to play aesthetically pleasing music. I was drawn to classical repertoire and especially the Beethoven sonata’s.

What I like about this music so much is the intricate architecture and the storytelling on a bigger scale, which is rarely present in jazz. It made me wonder if I could combine this kind of narrative with my own musical language.

Wouter Van den Broeck, pianist/composer and founder of the acoustic quintet Don Marsh V
Don Marsh V in complete line up

There were a lot of challenges, for example as how to find spots for improvisation and spontaneity, but in the end I’m quite happy with the result. It’s still a work in progress however. My understanding of Beethoven’s music and the sonata form is still basic and I will probably never perform any of the sonata’s for an audience. But that’s part of the fun for me, having this new world to discover.

Other music heroes who made you grow as artists?

Most of my influences are Black American artists. My first hero was Ray Charles. Oscar Peterson was a big reference for swing feel and a meticulous execution. Bud Powell was the blueprint for my bebop language, I like his ‘in the moment’- playing and raw energy. I love Mingus for his use of form and the historical awareness in his music.There are countless others of course..

What can we expect from don Marsh V in the months ahead? And 2023?

We are finishing the first part of our tour in October. In November me & my wife are expecting our first child, so I didn’t plan any concerts then. We start playing again in February 2023. We hope to play some summer festivals and I would like to start writing a second album, probably expanding on the idea of this ‘jazz sonata’. Maybe I would like to add other musicians, but we have to see if it’s doable.

What would you say to convince new (international) potential listeners and audiences To come and check you out live?

The band consists of some of the finest improvisational talent Belgium has to offer. I already talked about the rhythm section, but the horn section alone would be enough to attract curious music- fans. Saxophonist Warre Van de Putte is the youngster of the group and still a well- hidden secret in the Belgian scene. He has incredible technique and imagination and he plays with a maturity far beyond his years. Jean-Paul Estiévenart on the trumpet is a fantastic player at home in lot’s of different musical styles. He just released a record with the ensemble ‘Il Gardellino’, playing music of J.S. Bach. You should definitely check that out as well!

In What kind of ways you are able to promote a debut album? Do you feel you get enough support from organisations?

I contacted label manager Joshua Dellaert from Solidude records for the release of the album. He helped to get me some financial support from Sabam for Culture (Belgian supportsystem for creators ed. note), which gave me the opportunity to work with promotor Bram Moony (Vermeersch). He’s doing a fine job bringing the music to a broader audience, but of course it’s not an easy task these days. Budgets are tighter than ever, concert spots are scarce and there is a growing pool of excellent musicians who are eager to bring their project to the limelight. I’m aware that my music is not the next ‘hip thing’ and that it’s not for a niche audience, but I just want to make music that makes me feel good. Honesty to oneself is the most important thing in the long run I think.

Marshland is released by Solidude Records.

Discover Don Marsh V live in Belgium on these dates⬇️

February 16, 2023

Academiezaal, St-Truiden, 20:30 pm

February 23, 2023

CC Mol, 20:30 pm

February 26, 2023

Maene HQ, Ruiselede, 11H

Antoine Waterkeyn 🧑🏻‍🎨 makes viewers watch beyond their retina 👁

When a visual artist feels he has become a writer. That’s exactly where ArtistCongratz has to come in. And so should you.

Coming to Belgium this September? Don’t visit the captivating city of Antwerp without stopping by Fred & Ferry gallery to discover these giant “narratives on panel” by Antoine Waterkeyn. Discover yourself what is actually painted and what’s not…

Maybe you might even be as lucky as your editor and get a private exhibition tour by the artist himself🧑🏻‍🎨 including the story behind his story, called “Ein bisschen Goethe, ein bisschen Bonaparte”. ⬇️

Detail of one particular work of the series
“Abstraction and figuration come together”
“Time and space are of the essence in which the iridescent paint used, plays a significant role” Antoine explains “Different light always reveals something new inside the painting”
ArtistCongratz, always pleased to see young arttalent like Antoine thrive and develop.
Picture by Eva Dobbels (Fred&Ferry gallery)
In the building where he has his studio, Antoine gathered ladders🪜
Also covered in opaque and iridescent paint and “stripped of their symbolism” they now play a significant part in the narrative of the exposition.
Our personal favourite 👌

To who might find the name Waterkeyn familiar sounding; yes, your hunch is correct. André Waterkeyn, architect of our national pride; The Atomium🇧🇪, is Antoines great uncle.

Sooner or later, those ties might inspire Antoine for future work. Artistcongratz can’t wait to discover more of this promising young artist who also will be presenting new work at Art Brussels in March 2023.

Ein bisschen Goethe, Ein bisschen Bonaparte can be visited till October 8. At Fred & Ferry Gallery, Leopoldplaats 12, 2nd floor, Antwerp, Belgium

Cool down with a comic 📖📇 must see exposition 👀

Our shimmering long hot summer holds the best of several artist worlds. Since ArtistCongratz likes to go where no “outsider” has gone before 😉 and the temperatures are way too high to spend your time at the beach or in town we have something special in store for you this August. Although some might not cool down completely…

Let’s move from tunes to «cartoons»

First of all; did you know that lot’s of world famous cartoon characters have Belgian spiritual fathers?

Hergé & Tintin, Morris & Lucky Luke, Peyo & his Smurfs, just to name a few. But today we would like you to discover our best sold comic book series in the country.

If you are on holiday at our seaboard, you can get acquainted with our most famous comic family. By all means, don’t leave without meeting Flanders favourite “de Kiekeboes” who are celebrating their 45th anniversary with this expo.

Place to be is the cutest little coast town of Wenduine, where you and your entire family can discover the exposition “De Kiekeboes” for free. It’s also in this adorable place that creator Merho made a lot of adventures of the family come to life.

Still not convinced? No worries, You will be after passing through our photogallery⤵️

Let’s start with the starlet of these Fab Four; Fanny is the daughter of Marcel Kiekeboe. You definitely don’t have to understand Flemish to notice her euhm “appealing look” which is “hot and cool at the same time”
Even Peyo’s Smurfs can’t seem to resist Fanny’s undeniable charm 🥰
Surrounded by a proud dad and an early Fanny-admirer
Books within books, the universe of “De Kiekeboes” is full of surprises, quibbles and winks to other existing figures.
🍺A joint-venture with famous Belgian beers 👉Cheers!🍻
Fanny even makes it to the cover of a celebrity magazine. Which cartoon character is able to say that 💬😊😇
The comic has been around for four decades but founding father Merho manages to keep renewing and innovating the world of his characters. It works like a charm in this bestseller.
From beach to book and in reverse 👙🏖☀️
“TOP RODDEL”, as in “ Top Gossip”
The household magazine, read by the family
Fanny’s brother, The boy planting the flag on the sandcastle, is called Constantinopel. He tends to come up with the smartest ideas 💡in critical situations
The exposition also highlights the early years of the comic, starting in 1977 in the Belgian newspaper “Het Laatste Nieuws »📰
Finally a look on the entire family including cool mom Charlotte
Want to get to know him? Two options;
Buy an album and learn some Dutch in the process or visit the Expo “Lang zullen ze leven” (long they shall live), open to public till the 28th of August. Highly recommended by ArtistCongratz. And by all means Congratz to the jubilees 4️⃣5️⃣and their founding father Merho🥂

What’s in a meme? « The Memeing Of Life »

We honestly could not have found a better answer for our questioning title, as the one of a play that was on top of our must see list at Theater Aan Zee this year. 👁

Please check out these two artists and founding fathers of a newborn collective called

Written and performed by Jeff Aendenboom and Bas Vanderschoot, “The Memeing of Life” is the talk of the town in Ostend these days.

If you get the chance elsewhere, by all means go check it out yourself. You are in for a treat full of surprises. Although the play is in Dutch, it looks and feels extremely universal. Get ready for an extraordinary view on cyberculture and prepare for a journey through time and space, different artforms, covered in dadaïsm. And memes, by all means 🙃

How about learning one of Belgium’s three languages 😉 through theater and memes? It’s just a wild idea. 

Anyway, it’s the sum of wild ideas that often leads to genius TAZ-productions like: “The Memeing of Life” 👩🏻‍🏫▶️🖼👁 Another well deserved “ArtistCongratz”👏 to these youngsters.

With the makers’ consent ArtistCongratz would like to grant you some sneak peeks▶️⤵️

Warning: Not a scene for all too sensitive viewers 👁
Jeff Aendenboom demonstrating
« The Memeing of Life »❓
A Turning Point
Jpeg Picture with a Merchmom, if That’s no meme;-)

New glances of a blooming career in between Dubai & Budapest🎹

Special bulletin!! Referring to my latest post about a gifted pianist and music writer named Daniel Verstappen! A fellow countryman to be truly proud of🦚🇧🇪🎹

This February is a very busy and fulfilling month for the blooming career of this young talent. Cherry on the cake: a brandnew release on the 25th. Called “Transformation”.
Before a planned prospecting trip to Budapest, not only was he an invited and performing guest at the Belgian Pavilion @ Dubai Expo, he got to treat our Royal Highness’s to an unforgettable pianoconcerto🎹 underneath the Burj Khalifa.
And because pictures and images can tell you more than a thousand words, ArtistCongratz is pleased to present this unique exclusive photo gallery by the maestro himself. Relax, sit back and Enjoy the view👀
Music Maestro🎹
👑Her Royal Highness the Queen of Belgium 🇧🇪
In full performance mode with Wim Hoste
👸🏻Entourage always matters 👸🏻 #belgianfolklore 👒💃
Work of Art 🇧🇪in the Belgian Pavilion by the artist Charles Kasin, picture by Daniël
Daniël (r) with Charles Kasin (in the middle)
Daniels brandnew “baby”, Artwork by Michel Kurylac. Read more about how these two match in my previous post✍️
Clear Skies in Dubai🛩🌌

Remember to keep discovering more gems on…ArtistCongratz▶️brand-new on TikTok by the way♥️✔️feel free to follow🧭

Time is of the essence ▶️⏳✔️
My own in-between-Coronawaves-Reconnection with Daniël ✌️🙌

A 🎄Carol in Ebony & Ivory 🎹

ArtistCongratz makes Christmas last a little longer! 💫With a Carol written in ebony and ivory🎹🥂

Favorite instrument of yours truly, in ex aequo with a Word keyboard;)⌨️

But we suspect that the artist in today’s picture “wears” his piano 24/7. Next level it is for…Daniel Verstappen🎹👐

Connecting people through music is his mission. Now more than ever…No wonder that his latest compositions are gathered in an album called “Reconnection”▶️

ArtistCongratz was lucky enough to discover them live through a spectacular audiovisual performance last November in C-Mine Genk. Right before Covid closed the doors to audiences once again…

But then again, this means more time to create new music…🎼

Daniel: Correct! 🙂 Again like last year we’re going through a period where live concerts are not easy to organise. Meanwhile the public is afraid to visit theaters or concert halls. Therefore I am really happy that my concert on November 24th. happened in full constellation.

Casual meets chic ;)🥂🎶

All December concerts have been cancelled and postponed till 2022. That’s really sad of course, but compared to last year I can accept it more.

Last year was really hard. I never experienced something like this before. Like so many artists, not being able to do what you love. Performing live on stage.

I love to compose as well but it’s that connection between creating, alone at the piano and showing the result to an audience. That’s the beautiful outcome of the life of a musician or artist.🎶🎵

What I am planning the next weeks and already doing, is indeed composing a few new songs. One of them I want to release soon. An electronic song that goes a little further in my way of combining the piano with electronics. 😉

Besides composing and releasing new music I am focusing on my international tour, by meeting with new contacts abroad…

AC: “Reconnection” mainly wants to connect in these isolating times. How do you plan on doing that in anticipation of more concerts?

Daniel: Last fall and winter 2021 I actually proceeded with my goal and vision to connect people trough these isolating times.

It’s harder to do this physically so I try to connect with my audience through social media.

Daniel also stays in touch with his fans through a newsletter. Cherry on the cake: A Christmas video, his version of “Carol of the bells” :

which is also availble on all streaming platforms :

Daniel: For my own sake, I feel I need some rest. This was an extremely challenging and really busy year for my career actually.

But beautiful things occurred. So many changes have been made in a good way.

I am driven by energy and dedication. But for now I listen to my body. It needs to charge, so I can rise up again! 😀

As an artist you give so much of yourself, in my case I put my life experiences in my songs. On stage they come alive in an immersive live experience with lights & visuals. So together with the unstable world we’re living in, I came to understand that it’s really important to balance your life even more. And I do this trough mental and physical sport at home

While I’m working or even now answering your questions, I have background music that gives me energy and the right mood for the moment to focus. 🙂

AC: Can you tell us more about the making of the animation film we saw in Genk? By Michel Kurylac.

Daniel: As a creator, I like to combine music with modern art and virtual designs. RISE is an uplifting song with many electronic waves. My uncle Michel Kurylac is a talented artist, who made this video completely by hand, with Artificial Intelligence.

While I was brainstorming about the video for RISE, I was thinking about his work and when we sat together we came up with the same idea of collaborating. Almost simultaneously. I honestly can say he made a masterpiece. The songs come alive as well as the visuals come more alive. RISE Tells the story of the distant future from which a completely different entity has taken over our world. The stone rising from the sand symbolizes a new civilization, the creatures that exist resemble humans. A world that has changed without consumption, money or power. The story is actually a painting in motion, an illusion. Let’s Rise up!

AC: Tell us more about your connection with Patrick Claesen (Pat Krimson) and Loredana. I hope she’s not after your piano?;)

Daniel: 😂 , That’s a funny story. 🙂 I’ve met Loredana at a release party in Antwerp. Presenting DJ Grace, who also appears in “Monacovrouwen” (Ed. Note: realityshow broadcasted in Flanders)

We clicked and during the lockdown we started to collaborate with Pat Krimson and producer Serge Ramakers.

Most of the time we met at Loredana’s and Pat home in Zonhoven for the meetings. I recently moved to Zonhoven, so that was really easy to meet each other ofcourse. The song was finlised in the studio of Serge Ramakers end of July when I was in Varna (Bulgaria) for my Reconnection Tour. It was really funny to hear the song when I was abroad, because I was giving comments trough the phone by whats app. And there was then the result, which we released in October.

Besides the song & video Carol Of the Bells like i’ve spoken before I will enjoy this Christmas fully with family and friends.

I am really looking forward to these moments, because even these things we don’t take for granted anymore.

To kick off 2022 we will be organising, planning and proceeding my International Reconnection Tour for 2022 – 2023 in East and North Europe and and also trying to go to Asia. Beginning of February I will also go to Dubai Expo, on behalf of the Belgian Day on February 5th.

The concerts that were supposed to take place in December 2021 will be postponed to fall and winter 2022.

About the international Reconnection Tour, I will keep you posted on dates, places and venues! 😉

AC: Thank you Daniël! Congratz again and we look forward to see you shine again. in Dubai 🤩and closer to home 🏡

Anything else you would you like to share with the readers of Artistcongratz?

Daniel: I wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and festive end of the year with a new harmonious 2022 to come.🎄🥂

I would like to reach new souls and hearts, so please connect with me trough my music and social media 😉

It’s time for RECONNECTION! 😀

“Zennevalley meets Twin Peaks” Ghostwood Country Club, a Bosum dream come true

As a child he particularly enjoyed watching Daan and other musical heroes play near his hometown. Triple the funfactor in 2021, from the moment singer songwriter Tom Verbeeck 🎤enters that same stage with his own band Bosum. 🎸

Since Tom and his wingmen released their debut album “Ghostwood Country Club”, it’s been warmly received by press, public and pro’s.

About time ArtistCongratz immerses in soothing dreampop.

Bosum in concert @ the Meent

“Zennevallei meets Twin Peaks”

AC: There’s an intriguing angle. How do you rhyme those two? Should residents be worried?

Tom: The Zennevallei may look like a small town but there are a lot of different people living in that area.

I grew up there so the place has a profound meaning for me. It is all about social interaction, the storylines between the inhabitants. Twin Peaks may look like a quiet place, but There is a lot going on between the people who live There. That triggers me. All those little stories in that small town.

Blinding lights 🎵

Besides Toms very own version of “Blinding lights”, “Ghostwood countryclub” contains original songs like “Cherry” and “Smell of your hair in the morning”

AC: Why “Blinding Lights”? What’s the story behind the choice of that cover from The Weeknd?

Tom: I was picking on a new guitar and started whispering the lyrics of Blinding lights on it. I don’t know why, but it kinda worked out. Sometimes it just happens.🧚‍♀️🎼

AC: How about the other Bosumoriginals? Do you have a signature song? Any striking anekdotes whilst writing them we should know about?

Tom: “Waves” is the song on the album that I cherish the most. It is also one of the last songs that I wrote right before we recorded the album.

I got to meet Tom right after his live album release show at The Meent, we both live in The Zennevallei.
(Picture by Thomas)

Tom: A funny anekdote about “Cherry”: I had a Melody in my head but no lyrics yet. One night I sung the following lyrics over the chords of the chorus ‘anyway you will stay in law school’. My girlfriend was going through a rough uni moment that week. Later, I changed the lyrics in ‘anyway will you stay tonight’.

AC: I read that Bosum is (among others)inspired by Cocteau Twins?

Tom: Bosum is inspired by a lot of dreamy artists. I love to make music that draws and moves me. I listened a lot to contemporary Indie artists, but also a lot to the good older stuff. The Cure, Slowdive, Cocteau Twins, Mazzy Star ⭐️ ,.. all class acts.

AC: Where will Ghostwood Countryclub be released?

Tom: Everywhere!

AC: Other thoughts and future plans you would like to share with ArtistCongratz?

Tom: I would love to record more albums and play some cool gigs!

AC: Looking forward to that!🔮🎤🎸⭐️🎵

Rumor has it that yours truly is fond of indie gems. No wonder that this earcandy seemed the best choice for a first live concert 🎵 in over a year. Check.

If not yet the case, please do exactly that where Bosum is concerned: live and on track:

Bosum are: Tom Verbeeck (lead vocals/guitar), Alessio Santoliquido (lead guitar/vocals), Elias De Schepper (bass)

Slow Crush – No ordinary lullaby 🎸🥁🧚‍♀️💜🖤🍼🐯

What’s in a bandname? You might actually slowly fall in love with the aur(or)a of Isa Holliday and her surrounding soundwizards.

The good news is you don’t have to prepare for Slow Crushbutterflies 🦋

Just check out upcoming gigs and go with the flow like I did last week @Botanique Brussels.

Front lady Isa in full Slow Crush mode, on her left: Jelle, alledgedly « just making noise » so the wingman likes to shear 💥🎸

This roaring music temple in our capital was the perfect spot to officially welcome “Hush”, a new fairy baby -or-should-we-rather-call-it-a-cub-🐯🐾- into the Slow Crushfamily. 🎵

Even the accidental pouring rain from the actual recording of “Lull”was present @Bota, additional drums for Freddy ;-)check✔️ ( 🥁💦 🎶🎵🎸)

Meet & greet with the Fairy herself – Picture by Ireen 📸

Isa: “Lull has two meanings, it can be a lullaby, as in rocking a baby but also a dip on your track…”

Sheltered from the showers outside, the cosy arena @La Rotonde became pretty crowded in no time.

Track by track Isa, Jelle, Jeroen and Freddy swept the audience off their feet, eyes and ears.

On the menu: A lasting live “Reel” of soft smooth vocals blending in powerful riffs and beats. Congratz on the unique contrast!

And about that interlude in reverse 🔄◀️ keep going for it. A few shenanigans can’t hurt.

I only have one request, next time An “🎵Encore🎵 » svp ✔️🖤💜🎤🎶👏

Next chance to be part of a gloomy dream on stage? For my fellow Belgians and universal explorers passing through:

Trix-Antwerp: November 6th, Handelsbeurs Gent: November 12th Muziekodroom-Hasselt: Nov. 28th

And then it’s off to the U.K.🇬🇧

Check full tourschedule ➡️

Jeroen (front) & Freddy, captured in the look of sound

Back in January, while so many artists were still yearning for stage and audience, ArtistCongratz had a memorable chat with Isa, Freddy and… Natsuki. Don’t miss it.⬇️

Or this review in leading music magazine Kerrang➡️

It’s all in the details 🖤💜Colourproof✔️

Hush now. Time to discover more enchanting shoe gaze meets grunge meets indievibes▶️


Lubricant for life – A play like a lucky charm 🍀

No spoilers just get lucky! That’s the spirit of this blogpost🥰

Lots of virtual hugs for the makers of one of the most scintillating performances I ever witnessed. The experience WAS pure serendipity. In Dutch for now but so universal it should be translated!

Woodman in full « Lubricantmode »

Without revealing too much; « Lubricant for Life » brings you innovative theater and takes storytelling to unprecedented levels.

Every performance is unique because of the sublime interaction between the makers and the audience. So please my fellow Northern belgians by all means go see this play MORE than ONCE🙏🦃

I myself was mostly moved by the degree of generosity these artists manage to translate to the stage in such a way that it is not only a tribute to Life itself but also to multiple art forms.

This Tuesday in Brussels’ Bozar: Joke Emmers & Tanya Zabarylo, Leading ladies to Lubricant For Life💗

And just a small advice dear Woodmanizers, make the drumsolo last a little longer 😉 and a message in a blog 🍼I definitely wanted to respond to your sweet invitation, I just needed a little less stage freight 😉 next time I will rise to the occasion, sorry for now🍯🐻🤎

And by all means, spread «Lubricant for life » in every language please. Congratz!!

No castle in the sky

A movie 🎥

about a movie – Oscar full circle

Or yet the journey of a troubled modern day nomad or musician

Eather way, a story behind the scenes🎬

just might

win tonight🎗


Glamour and glitz

When you love it to bitz

It might just turn you

poetic at this point

If you just joined;

Oscar delayed his starry night

At last enjoy this annual fiction flight

To sunny spring in Tinseltown

All the way right down

to the time of the old brand

when it was still called Hollywoodland


No castle in the sky

A real one passes by

William Randolph Hearst

came in first


Who would like to thank

“master” Mank

in red, black, white

darkish camera light

To all nominees

Congratz en Hello

from me and this shiny golden fellow


Hearst Castle, San Simeon, San Luis Obispo county, picture by yours truly, September 1995. This is where Charlie Chaplin and Greta Garbo came for a swim in the 1930’s
“Well that…my good man… is Hollywood” (Orson Welles)
Hollymood 🎬👸🏻;-)

Some more quotes from the ten times nominated motion picture « Mank »:

🎬”Not even the most disgraceful thing I’ve ever seen” (Herman Mankiewicz)

🎬“Never belong to any club that would have someone like you for a member” (Groucho Marx)

🎬”Nobody makes a monkey out of W.R. Hearst”

🎬”It’s no time to trade horses in the middle of the stream”

And my personal favourite:

🎬”If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”💋
Oscar & me in my glamourous wardrobe;-) 🙃👸🏻👚💍

Sound of Metal for the win!🥁

ArtistCongratz also cheers for “Sound of Metal”, the very first Belgian (co-) production that stands a chance to win Best Picture.

This 🎞 by Darius Marder and Derek Cianfrance (music by Abraham Marder and Nicolas Becker) tells the moving story of a metal drummer who loses his hearing. Production company Caviar also produced “The Rider” by Chloé Zhao, now nominated for “Nomadland”.

“Sound of Metal” already holds two BAFTA’s (best sound and editing). Curious which of the six Oscarnominations will result in eternal fame. Actor in a leading role for Riz Ahmed? We’ll know tonight…🎬


“Nomadland”, a book and a movie like a poem

Houseless but not without a home

Straight through a land where hearts are touched

Let’s find the hugest screen possible to make this story unforgettable

After all:

“What’s remembered lives”

Women rule this 93rd edition! Special ArtistCongratZ to Frances Mc. Dormand, Chloé Zhao & Jessica Bruder, who wrote the book the movie was inspired upon. And of course to the entire cast & crew of this must see in 2021 🛣

Likewise to the mesmerizing Emerald Fennell who treats us to “Promising Young Woman”.

As presenter Regina King put it; “She definitely earned the title of her film”, shot while 7 months pregnant in less then 30 days(!) Congratz🎬🙌❤️